Thank You Bobby Franklin

I’ve been away from my blog for eight months.  Since I haven’t written anything on it for such an extended time period, the pressure is on for my return to be something really worthwhile, something that really needs to be written about.  It couldn’t just be a random blog about how cute one of my kids is or some grammar or punctuation concern that frustrates my students.  It had to be big.  Well, some big things have happened recently, which I’ve wanted to write about and still may although the window of timeliness is passing.  However, yesterday something caught my attention that made me say, “Surely, there’s no credence to this accusation.”  So, being a responsible citizen of the world, not wanting to pass on unfounded crap, I did some research.  I couldn’t find anything but a highly biased source that could corroborate what I’d been seeing on Facebook and Twitter.  Therefore, I reached out to my friends for help, and one of them hooked me up with a news story that made my blood boil.  That’s how it came about that I’m thanking State Representative from Georgia Bobby Franklin.  Thank you for giving me something worthwhile enough to make my comeback to blogging. Read more »

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