Posts tagged: Fertility Awareness

What We Have Here is a Failure to Educate

For those of you who know that I am an educator, you’re probably thinking this blog post is going to be about slacker students, No Child Left Behind, or the state of our educational system in the United States, but it’s not.  This blog post is about birth control.  Over the past few weeks, I, and many of you, have been closely watching the debate over the Health and Human Services decree that all employers must provide free birth control and serialization coverage for all of their employees despite the fact that Catholic and other religious employers are morally opposed to providing these services for their employees.  In the case of Catholic organizations, they are prevented from providing these services as a matter of Catholic doctrine–the very core beliefs of the Church.  I want to be up front about a couple of things here:  I’m a Catholic, I’m a Liberal, and my husband and I practice Natural Family Planning (NFP). Read more »

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