Getting My Mojo Back

For those of you who are not writers, November is NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. The goal of NaNoWriMo is to write a novel or 50,000 words (which is not actually a novel) in one month. The purpose is to spark creativity by forcing people to write intensely. There’s no time to pretty it up. You’ve got to right, man! If you already have a novel in progress, some people use NaNoWriMo to finish their novels.

Every November I try to participate, but then life, as usual, gets in the way, and I don’t end up finishing. This year I took a different approach. I didn’t try to write intensely; I just tried to write. I have a novel I’ve been working on for ummm… Okay, longer than I’d like to admit. One reason why it has taken me so long is that I’ve been a bit stumped about which way to take the characters and how to move the plot along. Some people might say scrap it and start over, but I’m 47,000+ words in. I’m as invested in this novel as the government is in AIG. Read more »

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