Posts tagged: WellRed70

Old-Fashion Girl

No one sends me email anymore. I have really begun to feel unpopular. However, now I realized that no one sends anyone email anymore. Email is so last year. Text Messaging is the new email. I don’t really text message. The best I do is to send my daughter a “BRT” when I’m on my way to pick her up from wherever she is. She laughs at me because my English teacher mind is paralyzed by the shorthand of texting. I spend untold numbers of classroom hours railing against texting and how it is destroying my students’ ability to write. Now I find out that texting is the best way to keep up with my adult friends. What’s a woman to do?

My friends have sent me repeated requests to join Facebook or MySpace, but I refuse. I don’t have the time to keep up this blog or write let alone “tweet” or post my every move on Facebook. Besides who wants to read, “BRB changing dirty diaper” or “banging head against the wall; student wrote UR in a paper.” Just the fact that I used a semicolon in that example shows that I’m not a texting, tweeting kind of person.

I think I’ll try to bring back letter writing–anyone up for an epistolary* relationship?

*Epistolary: Relating to or denoting the writing of letters, or literary works in the form of letters.

Yes, We Did!

History has been made, and we were all here to witness it: Barack Obama has been elected president of the United States. I cannot begin to express my relief, happiness, and pride at this accomplishment. It is not only an accomplishment for President-elect Obama, but also for the entire United States. We were able to put aside racial issues and elect whom we thought was the best man to lead us. This is the proudest I’ve been of my country in all of my adult life. This accomplishment is what makes the United States great. I have neglected my blog recently because other committments pushed it aside. I feel that I’ve missed a great opportunity to have my voice heard to a wider audience. However, I have been making my voice heard on a more personal level. This has been a tough and at times very derisive campaign. I’ve had arguments with friends and family alike. I’ve had my faith as a Catholic called into question because I refused to be a one issue voter on a label that is hung on candidates with no real conviction behind the label. Sure, McCain is Pro-life, but exactly what was his plan beyond appointing like-minded Supreme Court Justices to end abortion in this country? While Obama is Pro-Choice, he spoke of taking steps to reduce the number of abortions because even Pro-Choicers see abortion as a tragedy. I voted for Obama because abortion isn’t just a life issue, nor is it the only life issue, but it is also an economic issue. Read more »


I was on vacation all last week and did not have access to the Internet. You know what? I didn’t really miss it either. We went on our annual beach vacation with friends of ours. Four adults, three teens, and three older children, all of whom spend a large part of their time connected to the world wide web. At first when we found out that we no longer had Internet access at the beach house we were renting, the same house we’d rented the year before, I thought there would be a mutiny. By the end of the week, I expected our little society to fall apart, like in Lord of the Flies. However, after the first couple of days, I didn’t even hear the kids complaining about the lack of connectivity. Matt did sneak off to the local McDonald’s, which offered WIFI access, so that he could put out a report for work, a task he said would only take ten minutes. When he didn’t return after two hours, I began to worry. Turns out he had to pay $3 for access, so he spent sometime checking out his favorite website–the official website of the Chicago Bears. When I asked if he had checked our home email, he said he didn’t think of that. Where are his priorities!!! Read more »

Growing Pains

How is it that my children seem to be growing up right under my nose? When they are small like Trinity, every milestone is easy to observe because they are big milestones, such as talking, rolling over, crawling, and walking. However, when they get older, those milestones are more difficult to see because they are more subtle. For instance, tonight Katy banged her shin on the dishwasher door, an injury that made me want to cry even though it hadn’t happened to me. But she didn’t cry. She grabbed her leg and cringed, but she didn’t cry. Only a few months ago, she would have been sobbing for five minutes, begging ice and all other types of medical care. When was it that she grew up enough not to cry at every little injury? Read more »

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