Category: Uncategorized

On the road. . .

Hello all,

This is a just a quick note to say that I’m away and occupied with personal matters. I’ll be back and writing new posts soon.


Injustice in Justice

I embarrassed my two oldest daughters Saturday while we were shopping at the mall.  My middle daughter is going on vacation with her grandparents and needed some clothes for the trip.  She had a gift card to a certain teeny-bopper store (read the title of this post and you’ll know which one I’m talking about), so we stopped in to see if they had anything in the price range of the gift card.  Everything about this store goes against the grain of who I am and who I want my daughters to be.  However, I also try to be frugal and that gift card was “going to waste” at the bottom of my purse, so . . . in we went. Read more »

Not a Young Author? Says Who?

Last week, the NY Times published a list of twenty young authors to watch Sadly, I realized that my name not only was not on the list, but also that it would never be on the list. Now, I can hear you all saying, “Oh, Glenna, don’t be so negative; it will happen for you one day.” However, it isn’t that I’m being negative; I’m being realistic. See, the young authors list is a list of authors under 40. Strangely, I turned 40 in March. I say strangely because one day I was going along, a 30 something year old living my life; then one day, completely out of the blue, I was 40. So, according to the NY Times, I am no longer young (not to mention that I’m not a published author, but this fact is a minor complication). Read more »

You All Everybody

I hesitate to put in my two cents on Lost since several people have already weighed in with very well thought out analyses of the final episode and the entire series for that matter, but an idea has been itching my brain since the finale on Sunday. What if the key to the entire series is: You all everybody?

You All Everybody was the one hit of Charlie Pace’s band Drive Shaft. In the first few episodes, he would sing it, annoyingly at times, in hopes that someone would recognize him. I know I’m going to hear about this, but I never really cared for Charlie, and although his final moments were heroic and sad, I was a bit relieved season three that he was the one sacrificed; it was only Charlie. Now, I think that perhaps I had underestimated his importance. I wish now that I had paid more attention to his character because I think he had some important things to tell us about the deeper meaning of the show. Read more »

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