I Finally Did It

Well, after much brow beating, I did it. I joined Facebook and Twitter. Facebook amuses me. I am now “friends” with 32 people. Funny, whenever someone adds me to their list, I get a post on my “wall” that “Joe Smith and Glenna Heckler-Todt are now ‘friends’.” Funny, I didn’t kow that I wasn’t Joe’s friend. Or when I filled in my profile, a post appeared on my wall that said, “Glenna Heckler-Todt is now married.” Don’t tell Matt that we were just now married–he thinks we’ve been married for nearly 18 years.

I do see the value of Facebook. I’m catching up with people whom I haven’t seen or heard from in years. Of course, this speaks to the laziness of our society. We don’t keep up with people unless it is made so ridiculously easy for us. All we have to do is click a hyperlink and become “friends.” Writing emails became too burdensome, so now we write short blurbs on Facebook about our daily lives. This is both good and bad.

I am enjoying seeing the pictures of people’s families as well as the post for different causes they are joining. I do see value there; however, since I’ve become an adult and been able to make my own decisions, I’ve never been one to want to do what everyone else is doing. I had to do too much of that growing up. Joining and fitting in is a big deal in a small town. So that is where my resistance comes in.

Twitter was the networking site I was the most interested in because it seems to run a true discourse based on the question “What are you doing?” So, I was excited to join Twitter. I follow about five people, but don’t read their posts regularly. But I’m disappointed in Twitter. I had no idea that it had spam. It seems like the only people who want to follow me are ones who want me to work from home or want to show me their sexy pictures. No thanks! I do have one follower. I have no idea who he is, but he didn’t want to show me anything or want me to work for him, so I didn’t block him.

So, look me up on Facebook and follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/wellred70.

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