I’m a Mac

We bought our first Mac last winter when just one computer in the house wasn’t enough for the four of us who are old enough to use a computer. We didn’t want to make the switch to Vista because, at that time, there was nothing but rumors of bugs and other difficulties that made the purchase of another Windows based computer a scary thought. In the PC world, there is no option to Windows, at least none that I know of. If you had something different, you wouldn’t be able to interface with anyone else anyway. So we took the plunge and purchased an iMac. I, for one, have been nothing but happy with the decision.

We held on to our PC, but no one will touch it because it has been so slowed down with anti-virus protections and adware that it takes at least 1/2 an hour to boot. To bring up Internet Explorer takes another ten minutes. Who has time for all of that?

About six months before we purchased our iMac, I bought a used PC laptop–big mistake. It seemed like a good price at the time, but ended up not coming with any type of Word programing, which was another $200 purchase; plus, I neglected to purchase virus protection for it and, of course, I got a virus, which was another $200 to get removed. My used laptop lasted a year, and cost me approximately $700. This past weekend I traveled an hour to the Apple store and purchased a Mac Book Pro. I love it!

This constant purchasing of software and virus protection tends to be the trend with all new and used PCs and laptops. They seem like a good price, but in the end, once you add all the software and virus protection that you must have, the final cost ends up being much more than what you’d originally thought it would be. So the argument that Macs are so much more expensive isn’t a vaild one. Out of the box, you have nearly everything you need.

Since our PC is so slow, we’ve decided it is time to upgrade so that we don’t have to fight the girls to use the computer. Once again, we priced out the PCs versus the Macs. We’ve made a deal with the girls, and over the summer we’re saving up money so in the fall we can purchase them a Mac Book Pro like mine.

I love those “I’m a Mac. And I’m a PC.” commercials. They’re not only funny, but dead on accurate. Macs just work; it is as simple as that. PC had his chance; now I’m a Mac.

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