Posts tagged: mothers

A Room of My Own

Virginia Woolf knew that every woman needs a room of her own and she wasn’t even a mother.  Woolf contended that in order to write, a woman needs a room of her own away from the distractions of domestic life: the husband, the housework.  She was absolutely right–domestic distractions are the main reason I have been working on the same novel for six years.  The husband, the housework, and in my case, the kids are all distractions from not just the creative life but to simple sanity.  I contend that every woman, writer or not, needs a room of her own just to keep her sanity.  (This too was something Woolf knew.)

If a woman is single and lives alone, her home is her own.  A married woman without kids may easily be able to carve out a space in her home for  herself.  However, a woman with children at home knows that a room of her own is damn near impossible. Read more »

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