Category: Uncategorized

The List Maker

I’m an avid list maker, but not necessarily an avid list crosser-offer.  I revel in a crossed off list because it means I’m making progress, but how often I actually make progress on my many lists depresses me. 

I’m not a person who likes other people to waste my time; however, I enjoy wasting time on my own.  Frustration mounts when I am teaching and there is a lull because the students are working independently or I’m between classes and don’t have any papers to grade or lessons to plan, which is rare.  On these occasions, I get antsy.  I begin thinking about all the things I need to do.  Then, I begin to go stir crazy.  To combat driving myself insane obsessing about things at home that I have no power to complete while at work, I begin making lists. 

·         Clean out the coat closet.
·         Make a menu for next week’s dinners.
·         Write a new blog post.
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