This Blog was Written in the U.S.

There’s a question that has been bothering me for a while now:  Why are we still importing products from China considering how many product recalls there has been regarding Chinese made goods?  We’re not talking about recalls such as the one that Kellogg announced recently because the packaging caused the cereal to have a strange taste and smell.  We’re talking about recalls on products and foods because they can harm, maim, and kill.  Here’s a list of recalled goods from China that were conducted in the last year:

  • Shrek glasses sold at McDonald’s because of cadmium, which is a carcinogen and can cause ??kidney, liver, and bone damage
  • drywall installed in homes in Florida which emit hydrogen sulfide which can cause respiratory problems as well as cause metal corrosion
  • honey because it contained chloramphenicol, an antibiotic, which causes cancer in humans, that was given to the bees because they were dying from that nasty bee virus.
  • kids jewelry, zippers, toys, etc. because they contained lead and/or cadmium.

I’m sure if I did a google search, I could come up with even more products.  This list doesn’t even include the products from the past five years, such as dog food and crib recalls.  Here are just a few issues that our importing of goods from the Chinese causes for both our county and theirs. Read more »

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