Not a Young Author? Says Who?

Last week, the NY Times published a list of twenty young authors to watch Sadly, I realized that my name not only was not on the list, but also that it would never be on the list. Now, I can hear you all saying, “Oh, Glenna, don’t be so negative; it will happen for you one day.” However, it isn’t that I’m being negative; I’m being realistic. See, the young authors list is a list of authors under 40. Strangely, I turned 40 in March. I say strangely because one day I was going along, a 30 something year old living my life; then one day, completely out of the blue, I was 40. So, according to the NY Times, I am no longer young (not to mention that I’m not a published author, but this fact is a minor complication). Read more »

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